






Summary Of Research Presented To Faculty Of Commerce , Alexandria University

to Obtain a Master Degree in Management

Submitted by

Mohamed Ahmed R. EL-Sallamy



The objective of the study:

This study aims to answer the following questions

The Importnce of the Study

The importance of this study stems from the following reasons:

Variables of the study .

1 - The kind of T.V. advertising addressed to child the focus was on :

A - Dialog or talk advertising .

B - Musical advertising .

2 - The effect of repeating the advertising message ( once and three times ) .

1 - Child’s age .

2 - Child’s gender.

3 - The economic level of the child’s family .

Represents the demand of the child for the brand commudity which was in the advertising .

The hypotheses of the study

  1. The T.V. advertising presented to the child for the first time doesn’t lead to increase of the child’s demand for this commudity .
  2. Increasing the repetition of the advertising doesn’t lead to increase of the childs demand for this commudity .
  3. The effect of the advertising on the child doesn’t change by the child’s age.
  4. The effect of the advertising on the child doesn’t change by the child’s gender.
  5. The effect of the advertising on the child doesn’t change by the kind of advertising addressing the child .
  6. The effect of the kind of the advertising doesn’t change by the child’s age.
  7. The effect of the advertising on the child doesn’t change by the economic level of the child’s family .

The field study

In this field study we use the experimental approach , the researcher did an after only design depending on a controlled group and more than one experimental group.

The study population represent primary school children in Alexandria , Green and Maamoon schools where the places of the chosen sample .

The sample was 192 subject divided into four groups , one controlled and three experimental , the tool used in the study was specially designed for that purpose .

It contained two advertises , one musical and the other was dialog . These two advertisments were put as intervals during watching a film at the library by the children with difference in the presentation ,

A- For the controlled group , they just saw the film .

B- For the first experimental group they saw the film with the musical advertising intervening in the middle for once.

C - For the second experimental group , they saw the film with the musical advertising intervening three times , at the beginning in the middle and at the end .

D - For the third experimental group , they saw the film with the dialog intervening once in the middle .

After the film , on the children’s way out of the library there was a table on which were put many different brands of chocolate not only the one in the advertising . Each child was asked to choose only one of those brands .

Data analysis and testing of hypothesis

Hypothesis 1 , 2 , 5 were tested by Variance analysis to Light and Margolin because it’s suitable for the nominal data and “ X2 “ for hypothesis 3 , 4 , 6 and 7 .

Summary of results

  1. the T.V. advertising presented to the child for the first time leads to increase of the child’s demand for the advertised commudity .
  2. Repeating the advertising doesn’t affect the child’s demand for the advertising commudity .
  3. The effect of the advertising increases by the child’s age .
  4. The effect of the advertising doesn’t change by the child’s gender .
  5. The effect of the advertising changes by the kind of it presented to the child ( they preferred the talk advertise than the musical advertise ).
  6. The effect of the talk advertising increases by the increase of the child’s age .
  7. The effect of the advertising doesn’t change of the economic level of the child’s family .


  1. Advertisers should consider the level of knowledge and culture of the child and they must study the targeted group to design a suitable advertising .
  2. Advertisers should renew their advertisments on design new ones instead of repeating the same advertisments for a long time .
  3. Advertisers should consider aspects that attract the child’s attention in the advertise and address their mentality .
  4. There must by different organizations involved in designing those advertise like the advertisers , advertising agents , sociologist educational and child psychologist .
  1. Forming committee that has representatives from ministry of information , T.V. radio and T.V. union , advertising agencies , educationlist and sociologist , department of child and family in the ministry of social affairs , this committee should organize how to design an advertising , when to present it , products to be advertised with commitment to morals social habits and costumes in the advertising .
  2. Form another committee to monitor these advertises presented to the child before going on T.V. and either expect or refuse these advertises .